Jan 4, 2009

Up & Thinking..

TONIGHT: so, right now I'm up sitting at the computer at my sisters house.. and I'm thinking about a lot of stuff.. this college thing isn't a joke, and best believe I'm taking it seriously. i figured, i haven't listened all that much to my family (especially my mom) so now would be the time. she says i should go to school to become a nurse, which wouldn't be bad. there will always be a demand for more nurses and they make really good money and I'm thinking you can get a job anywhere being a nurse. =] well, anyhow.. the more and more i think about nursing the more and more i want to do it .. you see at first my mind was set on forensics.. however they work with the police.. and I'm not at all big on helping the police, even though that is a WELL paying career! i like learning about the body, its very interesting to me.. but not that interesting to work with "pigs" lol. well, my mind is made up and becoming a nurse is something i have really considered and would seriously enjoy doing.

QUICK QUESTION (qq): have you ever been stuck (emotionally) between more than one person? have you ever been stuck on one person from your past who you want to be with oh so bad because he/she was your first love and for you the "connection" is still there? have you ever tried to void the feelings you have for one person just to move on, yet your mission is incomplete? have you ever questioned your luck with love? .. have you ever wanted to continue a relationship that was discontinued for a certain reason with a person who told you that you were their first love? and lastly.. have you ever figured you just weren't meant to be with anyone "seriously" enough to call it a "relationship" and be "open" about it? have you ever wondered what it is like to be in love and be in love in a relationship..?
LESSON: all i can say is, there's always hope and if it's something you want that bad then go for it no matter if its love or something that can possibly better your future. work hard at everything you do and strive for the best because anything below is a waste of your life.

good night readers.
I'll be back later with more "seriously" interesting thoughts..